Saturday, December 13, 2008
So as many of you know, I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in April. As I was getting married and graduating, the school I was attending was also going through some changes. They changed their name from "Concordia University at Austin" to "Concordia University Texas" to reflect an ever changing student body. They also sold the campus in downtown Austin and purchased a much larger campus out by the lake to accomodate the quickly growing student body. Due to these recent changes, the students that had been attending "Concordia University at Austin" ended up graduating from "Concordia University Texas", which was a little bitter sweet for most of us. With all of the changes, I waited until I had my diploma in hand to order a frame for it so that the correct school seal (new or old) would be on the frame. As the school was moving, they must have put sending out diplomas pretty low on the priority list because it took until OCTOBER to get mine in the mail! That alone was pretty agitating, but anyways... So once I had my diploma, I placed the order for the frame with the NEW school seal so that the diploma and frame would match. Not too much to ask, right? Well...apparently the school has to receive my order and forward it to the manufacturer who will take up to 8 weeks to get my frame to me. That wasn't mentioned at the time of purchase. So the frame ended up getting here at the very end of November, but I didn't know it because the UPS guy didn't leave one of those package notice things on our door or in the mailbox! So I call the school who has to call the manufacturer to find out if the thing was ever shipped, and they call me back to say that it was. I call the apartment complex and ask if I have any packages, and they say NO! As you can imagine, I am not happy at this point. So I call the school back to call the manufacturer to get the UPS shipping info and find out who signed for it, and I take that info down to the apartment office ready to jump on someone! I walk in and ask again if I have any packages, and out comes my frame. I don't know if someone just missed the gi-normous package or if they knowingly lied to me, but I don't care anymore because the dang thing is finally here! So I was totally excited, put my diploma in it and hung it up on the wall...only to find out that they sent me a frame with the OLD school seal, not the NEW one that I specifically requested. I guess there are some causes in life just not worth fighting for any longer...I'm convincing myself that the frame will have to do and it can just signify the transition that the school went through while I was there. :)

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