Ryan would prefer not to share his resolutions for the new year, and I don't really like to make "resolutions" for the new year, but maybe "goals" instead. Here are my "goals" for 2009:
1. RELAX! Last year, we had the wedding (and showers, rehearsal, honeymoon, etc.), a trip to the ER with a certain cooking incident and consequent days home in bed-rest, my college graduation, both of us got new jobs, we moved from Austin back to Dallas, and really tried to do anything and everything that we could once we got back. I want to sit back this year and enjoy life and all the blessings we've been given!
2. Pay closer attention to the way I treat my own body. Whether it's the foods that I put in my body, the amount and types of exercise I am getting, or the way that I am treating myself in a more spiritual/emotional way (including the way I let stress effect me), I want to pay better attention to what effects these things are having on me. I think this will encourage me to make more time for myself and to treat my body better.
3. Keep up with this blog and/or a scrapbook!
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