Last weekend (March 1 to be exact!), Ryan and I celebrated our one-year wedding anniversary! Can you believe it? We certainly can't believe that it has actually been a whole year since our wedding! To celebrate, we decided to spend Saturday and Sunday out in Dallas...just the two of us. We started with a stay at Hotel ZaZa, a couples massage on Saturday afternoon, then a fantastic dinner at Capital City Grille. We attempted to eat pieces of the top tier of our wedding cake (a common tradition...right?), but I'd like to emphasize "attempted". It was simply a giant sugar cube, and it completely fell apart when we tried to thaw it from it's year-long residence in our freezer. The day was absolutely perfect! On Sunday, we ordered room-service for breakfast, ate, then went back to sleep! It was awesome... Then we got cleaned up and packed up, then went to the Dallas Zoo. It was pretty chilly, so there weren't very many people out, which was really a good thing. We spent the whole afternoon at the Zoo just admiring the animals and watching them play. We even got to see one of the handler's hand-feed a rhino his lunch! After the zoo, we headed home to spend some quality time with the pups and have a nice, relaxing evening together.
In celebration, we have decided to start a scrapbook that we can add to every year on our anniversary. We're going to start it with some pictures of us leaving the wedding reception, then add some pics from our honeymoon at Disney World, then add some pictures and things from our anniversary celebration this weekend. We can add to it every year and keep it forever so that we can always look back! Cool, huh? And yes, we finally placed the order for our wedding albums, so hopefully we can get those in the next month or two. We have really had a full, fantastic first year of marriage and are looking forward to year two! Here are some pics from our weekend...we DID take a picture with both of us in it, but it wasn't on our camera! The restaurant took it and we just got a print-out. Anyways, Enjoy!
Here is a picture of the suite we stayed was the Samuel L. Jackson suite!

Here is our poor, destroyed top tier of the wedding's been through so much!
Here is our rhino buddy!
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