Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Little Blog-Happy and A Little More Crazy!

Some of you may be wondering "wow, what's gotten into her?" here lately because I've actually been updating the blog. The real deal is that this is basically all I'm allowed to do! Here's a little more crazy for you...this one is really long, sorry!
This past Wednesday while at work, I started to get a headache. Nothing out of the normal, right? I put on my glasses and take 2 Tylenol, that should take care of it. Well 2 hours later, the pain has intensified and it's developing into a migraine...sensitivity to light and sound included. So I take 2 Excedrin migraine, head to lunch, and take a 3o minute nap. In the past, that procedure would have easily taken care of it all. Well I wake up from the nap, and still have all of my previous symptoms alongside a new one-some severe nausea. I head back to work and inform my supervisor that I don't really want to vomit all over my patients and co-workers, so I'm going to head home for the day. After all, it's already after 3 pm, so we're pretty much done for the day anyways. I get home (somehow...) and head straight to bed. I got in a 2 1/2 hour nap, wake up, and still have all of my symptoms. Now this is abnormal...I've never had a migraine this bad and have no idea what brought it on. So I call the nurse hot-line through our insurance company...they instruct me to try a few new things and if that doesn't work, to get to a doctor. So we try alternating hot and cold compresses on my forehead and the back of my neck and Ryan massaged the back of my neck and shoulders to make sure that muscle strain wasn't causing the pain. I couldn't take any more medicine because you're only supposed to take 2 Excedrin migraine in 24 hours, and I did that at 1:30 PM, but the alternative treatments did help somewhat. It all helped enough to get me to sleep for the night.
I wake up the next morning at 6 to get ready for work...but I still have this stupid migraine! I call in to work and head to an urgent care facility because now, we are totally out of the realm of normal. Doc starts asking me all of these questions...then tells me that I'm running a fever. What? Then says he wants to run some blood work to check for an infection along with some other things. Everyone knows my LOVE of needles (sarcasm)! So I desperately tried to put this off and got the doctor truly annoyed with me. They stuck me despite my best efforts. Doc comes back a while later and says my white-blood-cell counts are really high, so I must be fighting a virus or infection of some sort. Since I don't have any signs of an infection, he suspects it is just a virus and that the virus is causing some inflammation and therefore my bad headache. He also tells me that the counts were so high, that he was concerned about mono. Now...I've had mono before and once you have the mono virus, you ALWAYS have the mono virus and it can flair up at basically any time. CRAP. I don't want mono again! Turns out the test was negative, but the elevated counts are still concerning. Doc sends me home with explicit instructions-fluids and rest. And he gives me some pain meds for the severe headache so I can get some good rest.
Wow, did those pain meds work. I was OUT. I took one nap from like 11-1, and woke up with the same stupid headache. instructed...I take another pain pill and nap from about 3-7 pm. When I woke up this time, no headache! OMG, I'm ecstatic! I really figured that the rest and 2 liters of fluids had made a huge impact. I was finally not nauseated and wanted something decent for dinner. Seeing that I was feeling better, Ryan agrees to go to McAlister's for dinner so I can get some soup and a simple sandwich. We get there...all is well. I obviously can't drive (being on the pain meds), but did fine on the drive. I ate my cup of soup and kept that down, but I was full, so I didn't eat the sandwich. We're just sitting there talking...enjoying being out of the house! I started to get a little light-headed and was having some trouble focusing, so I pulled my legs up in the booth and leaned back against the wall...I told Ryan what was going on and neither of us seemed too concerned at the moment...just rest a minute and I'll be fine. That's all I remember. Apparently after that, I completely lost consciousness and went limp...then my entire body started shaking. The shaking was hard enough to kick my sandals completely off and Ryan had to hold my head so that I wouldn't hit the wall or the table. Neither of us know how long this went on, but when I came back to, I could still feel myself shaking uncontrollably (kind-of like have the chills really really bad) and didn't really know where I was or what happened right away. I felt like I'd had a nightmare and Ryan was trying to wake me from it or something. When I realize that I was still in McAlister's, I knew something bad had happened. Ryan pretty much carries me out to the car and we head back to the urgent care facility...but they wouldn't take me because of the convulsions and instruct us to head straight to the closest emergency room. So we do and they take me back right away ( I tell ya, I get the treatment at the ER! Between this and the steak-knife inicident...they always get me in right away and Doc is usually right there waiting on me!). They actually put me on a bed in the hallway because there weren't any open rooms, but needed to start the work-up immediately. We still had the test results from that morning, so we show them to the ER doc and he orders more tests...EKG, lab work, urinalysis, CT scan, etc. Everything appears normal except the lab work-still have that high WBC count. We were in the ER until after midnight...come to find out, I was allergic to the codeine in the pain meds that the urgent-care doc gave me and this was basically an allergic reaction and I was very dehydrated-very odd since I'd had 2 liters of fluids that day. They hooked me up to an IV and gave me even more fluids to help get the codeine out of my system as quickly as possible since it had been 9 hours since my last pill. New instructions-still all the fluids and rest I can handle, but no more pain meds and a new prescription for an antibiotic instead. And oh ya...I'm not supposed to do anything since I'm at risk for losing consciousness again. So Ryan has had the joy of babysitting me since then...if you can't tell, I like to keep him on his toes! I'm supposed to go to my primary care doc in about 10 days and let them do another work-up to make sure everything is still ok. So that's my latest crazy...I'll keep you updated!

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