Saturday, June 20, 2009

Your Random "Lauren" Story For The Week!

Ok, so here recently I discovered that I was in desperate need of a new toothbrush...simple enough right? Simple solution-go get a new toothbrush! Well, apparently I have been living with the Flintstones in the stone age. Last time I had to purchase a toothbrush, there were very few (and simple) options...hard or soft bristles, what color, and which brand you preferred. Some of the fancy ones had little blue bristles mixed in with the white, but I've personally never found a real use for them...just fun I guess. This time, I swear I spent 30 minutes looking at the HUGE selection of stinkin' toothbrushes! I thought Ryan was going to kill me! Yes, there were many different colors (no longer just blue versus pink...that would be too easy!), but now you could choose from hard, MEDIUM, or soft bristles, there were all sorts of shapes and sizes...and once I found one that I liked, it didn't come in a color I liked! Then there were ones with "brightening stars"...what? Some had bristles pointing every which way and bristles of all sizes that apparently perform different functions. And that was just the manual toothbrushes! Then there's the world of battery-operated toothbrushes...and that's a whole other blog in itself. I've never felt so dumb-founded...all I wanted was a stick with little bristles on the end so I can clean my danged teeth, why must this be such a difficult decision? Next time I think I will treat it like "pin the tail on the donkey" and have Ryan spin me around in circles and see which toothbrush I manage to rip off the racks...THEY'LL ALL CLEAN TEETH! That was a very unnecessarily long trip to the store...

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