Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Monday (January 19) was Ryan's birthday, so we spent most of the weekend celebrating! He played golf with his dad Saturday morning and played on his new Nintendo Wii that afternoonwhile I ran some errands and took the pups for a nice long walk. Then we headed to my parents' house for some good BBQ dinner and yes, more playing on the Wii. We actually got everyone in on the games and really had a blast! Then on Sunday, we went to church then met Ryan's parents, his sister, and her boyfriend Will at Buca di Beppo for lunch. After lunch, we went to see "Paul Blart, Mall Cop" with his parents then spent a quiet evening at home with the fuzzy kids. Ryan had to work on his birthday, which totally sucks, but we went to dinner at Saltgrass which he really enjoyed! I also surprised him with an ice-cream cake! I hope he had an absolutely wonderful birthday weekend!

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